Cov txheej txheem:

Women's demi-season khau boots - khau boots nrog luj taws - khau boots dawb nrog luj taws - khau boots ntsuab no.brend.sorry 49299424
Women's demi-season khau boots - khau boots nrog luj taws - khau boots dawb nrog luj taws - khau boots ntsuab no.brend.sorry 49299424

Video: Women's demi-season khau boots - khau boots nrog luj taws - khau boots dawb nrog luj taws - khau boots ntsuab no.brend.sorry 49299424

Video: Women's demi-season khau boots - khau boots nrog luj taws - khau boots dawb nrog luj taws - khau boots ntsuab no.brend.sorry 49299424
Video: The whole process of putting on CL fashion red soled boots in the apartment 2024, Cuaj hlis


tawv tawv, textile

Kev piav qhia

khau boots nrog eco-plam, eurowinter. Cov qauv no yog ua los ntawm cov khoom siv eco-zoo, uas tau ua pov thawj lawv tus kheej zoo kawg nkaus hauv kev hnav. Niaj hnub nimno eco-tawv tawv muaj ib tug textured tawv qauv, muaj micropores, yog mos thiab zoo nkauj. Kev saib xyuas yooj yim. Fashionable laconic qauv ntawm lub pob taws xis. Zoo ntxiv rau txhua qhov saib. (Cov poj niam lub siab khau / poj niam khau looj plab hlaub / poj niam khau looj plab hlaub / poj niam khau looj plab hlaub / poj niam lub caij ntuj no khau / poj niam khau looj plab hlaub / khau looj plab hlaub / khau nrog pob taws ntsuab)

Women's demi-season boots - Heeled boots - White heeled boots - Green boots no.brend.sorry. Xim ntsuab, khaki. Saib 1
Women's demi-season boots - Heeled boots - White heeled boots - Green boots no.brend.sorry. Xim ntsuab, khaki. Saib 1
Women's demi-season boots - Heeled boots - White heeled boots - Green boots no.brend.sorry. Xim ntsuab, khaki. Saib 2
Women's demi-season boots - Heeled boots - White heeled boots - Green boots no.brend.sorry. Xim ntsuab, khaki. Saib 2
Women's demi-season boots - Heeled boots - White heeled boots - Green boots no.brend.sorry. Xim ntsuab, khaki. Saib 3
Women's demi-season boots - Heeled boots - White heeled boots - Green boots no.brend.sorry. Xim ntsuab, khaki. Saib 3
Women's demi-season boots - Heeled boots - White heeled boots - Green boots no.brend.sorry. Xim ntsuab, khaki. Saib 4
Women's demi-season boots - Heeled boots - White heeled boots - Green boots no.brend.sorry. Xim ntsuab, khaki. Saib 4
Women's demi-season boots - Heeled boots - White heeled boots - Green boots no.brend.sorry. Xim ntsuab, khaki. Saib 5
Women's demi-season boots - Heeled boots - White heeled boots - Green boots no.brend.sorry. Xim ntsuab, khaki. Saib 5
Women's demi-season boots - Heeled boots - White heeled boots - Green boots no.brend.sorry. Xim ntsuab, khaki. Saib 6
Women's demi-season boots - Heeled boots - White heeled boots - Green boots no.brend.sorry. Xim ntsuab, khaki. Saib 6
Women's demi-season boots - Heeled boots - White heeled boots - Green boots no.brend.sorry. Xim ntsuab, khaki. Saib 7
Women's demi-season boots - Heeled boots - White heeled boots - Green boots no.brend.sorry. Xim ntsuab, khaki. Saib 7
Women's demi-season boots - Heeled boots - White heeled boots - Green boots no.brend.sorry. Xim ntsuab, khaki. Hom 8
Women's demi-season boots - Heeled boots - White heeled boots - Green boots no.brend.sorry. Xim ntsuab, khaki. Hom 8
Women's demi-season boots - Heeled boots - White heeled boots - Green boots no.brend.sorry. Xim ntsuab, khaki. Saib 9
Women's demi-season boots - Heeled boots - White heeled boots - Green boots no.brend.sorry. Xim ntsuab, khaki. Saib 9
Women's demi-season boots - Heeled boots - White heeled boots - Green boots no.brend.sorry. Xim ntsuab, khaki. Saib 10
Women's demi-season boots - Heeled boots - White heeled boots - Green boots no.brend.sorry. Xim ntsuab, khaki. Saib 10
Women's demi-season boots - Heeled boots - White heeled boots - Green boots no.brend.sorry. Xim ntsuab, khaki. Saib 11
Women's demi-season boots - Heeled boots - White heeled boots - Green boots no.brend.sorry. Xim ntsuab, khaki. Saib 11

Cov yam ntxwv ntawm cov khoom

Clasp hom xob laim
khau ntaub ntaub hluavtaws plaub
Kev teem caij rau khau casual; office
Qauv nta siab heels
Heel qhov siab 9 cm ib
Ncej ncig 3 4cm ib
Ncej qhov siab 4 2 cm
Stylistics stylish qauv, tog, trendy
Lub Tebchaws Keeb Kwm Tuam Tshoj
Khoom siv khau 1 khub
Pem teb poj niam

Pom zoo: