Cov txheej txheem:

Boots, TAIS
Boots, TAIS

Video: Boots, TAIS

Video: Boots, TAIS
Video: A view of leather high boots under the table-Thigh Boot Party テーブルの下の革のハイブーツの眺め - 美食桌下大腿靴 2024, Cuaj hlis


Tawv tiag

Kev piav qhia

Demi-season khau looj plab hlaub loj yog ua los ntawm cov tawv muag tiag tiag. Hauv ob sab phlu - bike. Lub girth ntawm cov khoom nyob rau hauv pob taws yog 30.0 cm.

Boots TAIS. Xim yog beige. Saib 1
Boots TAIS. Xim yog beige. Saib 1
Boots TAIS. Xim yog beige. Saib 2
Boots TAIS. Xim yog beige. Saib 2
Boots TAIS. Xim yog beige. Saib 3
Boots TAIS. Xim yog beige. Saib 3
Boots TAIS. Xim yog beige. Saib 4
Boots TAIS. Xim yog beige. Saib 4

Cov yam ntxwv ntawm cov khoom

Clasp hom xob laim
khau ntaub ntaub tsheb tuam
insole khoom tsheb tuam
Nkawm khau dav (EUR) H(8)
Kev teem caij rau khau xws li
Heel qhov siab 4 cm ib
ib qhov siab 0.4cm ib
Ncej ncig 43,5cm:ua
Ncej qhov siab 52cm ua
Orthopedics Tsis muaj
Lub Tebchaws Keeb Kwm Russia
Khoom siv Nkawm khau - 1 khub
Pem teb poj niam

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