Cov txheej txheem:

Slippers Smile ntawm Milady 18212782
Slippers Smile ntawm Milady 18212782

Video: Slippers Smile ntawm Milady 18212782

Video: Slippers Smile ntawm Milady 18212782
Video: Sport LED Luminous PVC Jelly Summer Smile Beach Slippers 2024, Lub kaum hli ntuj


Faux plaub 80%, EVA 20%

Kev piav qhia

Stylish thiab elegant khau khiab nyob rau hauv tsev los ntawm cov tshiab txwv Melodi sau los ntawm Smile ntawm Milady hom yuav undoubtedly ua koj nyiam! Nrog rau peb cov khau khiab, txawm tias lub tsev zoo nkauj tshaj plaws yuav dhau los ua kev nthuav dav. Lub teeb yuag thiab xis nyob, ntawm qhov xis nyob thiab, qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws, eco-phooj ywg ib leeg ua los ntawm EVA khoom. Lub sab sauv thiab insole yog ua los ntawm cov khoom uas qab ntxiag rau lub cev, siv faux fur. Cov xim palette ntawm tus qauv yuav ua rau koj xav tsis thoob nrog nws ntau yam. Violet thiab turquoise xim yog haum rau cov neeg uas xav ntxiv ib tug me ntsis accent rau lawv lub tsev saib, beige rau classic lovers.

Slippers Smile of Milady. Xim yog beige. Saib 1
Slippers Smile of Milady. Xim yog beige. Saib 1
Slippers Smile of Milady. Xim yog beige. Saib 2
Slippers Smile of Milady. Xim yog beige. Saib 2
Slippers Smile of Milady. Xim yog beige. Saib 3
Slippers Smile of Milady. Xim yog beige. Saib 3
Slippers Smile of Milady. Xim yog beige. Saib 4
Slippers Smile of Milady. Xim yog beige. Saib 4
Slippers Smile of Milady. Xim yog beige. Saib 5
Slippers Smile of Milady. Xim yog beige. Saib 5
Slippers Smile of Milady. Xim yog beige. Saib 6
Slippers Smile of Milady. Xim yog beige. Saib 6
Slippers Smile of Milady. Xim yog beige. Saib 7
Slippers Smile of Milady. Xim yog beige. Saib 7
Slippers Smile of Milady. Xim yog beige. Hom 8
Slippers Smile of Milady. Xim yog beige. Hom 8

Cov yam ntxwv ntawm cov khoom

khau ntaub ntaub EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate)
insole khoom hluavtaws plaub
Nkawm khau dav (EUR) G(7)
Hom ntiv taw kaw
Lub Tebchaws Keeb Kwm Russia
Khoom siv khau khiab
Pem teb poj niam

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