Cov txheej txheem:


Video: Slippers, MEIDIANNAS

Video: Slippers, MEIDIANNAS
Video: The sound of leather wedge slippers while things are being done around the house. 2024, Cuaj hlis


eco tawv, PVC

Kev piav qhia

Cov poj niam khau khiab nrog rhinestones nyob rau hauv tsib xim yog haum rau txhua txhua hnub, raws li zoo raws li rau lub puam so los yog raws li lub tsev khau. Tus tsim thawj, xis, mos ib leeg, cov khau khiab lawv tus kheej yog lub teeb thiab xis nyob, ib qho kev xaiv zoo rau lub caij ntuj sov.

Slippers MEIDIANNAS. Xim yog tsaus grey. Saib 1
Slippers MEIDIANNAS. Xim yog tsaus grey. Saib 1
Slippers MEIDIANNAS. Xim yog tsaus grey. Saib 2
Slippers MEIDIANNAS. Xim yog tsaus grey. Saib 2
Slippers MEIDIANNAS. Xim yog tsaus grey. Saib 3
Slippers MEIDIANNAS. Xim yog tsaus grey. Saib 3
Slippers MEIDIANNAS. Xim yog tsaus grey. Saib 4
Slippers MEIDIANNAS. Xim yog tsaus grey. Saib 4
Slippers MEIDIANNAS. Xim yog tsaus grey. Saib 5
Slippers MEIDIANNAS. Xim yog tsaus grey. Saib 5
Slippers MEIDIANNAS. Xim yog tsaus grey. Saib 6
Slippers MEIDIANNAS. Xim yog tsaus grey. Saib 6

Cov yam ntxwv ntawm cov khoom

Kev teem caij rau khau Puam; xws li; Nyob rau txhua hnub
Lub Tebchaws Keeb Kwm Tuam Tshoj
Khoom siv Cov khau khiab - 1 khub
Pem teb Poj niam

Pom zoo: